21 June 2009


On our way back from the Kotka show we stopped to visit Harri and Nina who own Indy (Softouch Lion in Winter). They live in beautiful Ruotsinpyhtää, a town famous for its iron works history.

Kotimatkalla Kotkasta pysähdyimme Ruotsinpyhtäällä Harrin ja Ninan luona, jotka omistavat Indyn (Softouch Lion in Winter). Alue on kuvankaunista seutua ja kuuluisaa vanhaa ruukkialuetta. Täällä olisi viihtynyt pitempäänkin!

Nina and Indy

Kotka international show 13.6.2009, judge: Annukka Paloheimo

Fjalle (S. Wild Hawk): CC, CACIB, BOS
Joanie (Leyenda's Happy Days): Best bitch nr. 3 + res-cacib

Finnish Whippet Club Open Show 7.6.2009

On Sunday the weather turned out much better with warmth and sunshine, although the tents and car windows were frozen in the morning...Three of the organizers, Kari, Kirsi and Jarmo (above) showed how happy they were of the sunny weather!

Judges: puppies & males Olaf Knauber (Happy Hunter's) Germany, bitches Kerrie Kuper (Karasar's) USA

* Nipsu (C'mere Jalokivi): BOS 4-7 months. She also won the special price for best bitch-head & expression out of all bitches!
* Fjalle (S. Wild Hawk): 2nd in intermediate class + hp. And he also made the cut again to the seven best males!
* Haiku (S. Montana Sky): hp in champion class
* Joanie (Leyenda's Happy Days): Best bitch nr. 4 + BIS open dog
* Saga (S. Pinquana): Best bitch nr. 2 + BOS senior
* Pippuri (S. Peppar Peppar): 2nd in senior class + hp
* Panda (S. Singing Spirit): 3rd in veteran class + hp
* Softouch breeders group: 2nd + hp
Nipsu charming the judge!

Nipsu BOS puppy, BOB puppy Quantumleap on the left

Saga BOS senior, BOB Peperone Parahandy on the left

Joanie Best bitch nr. 4

Nipsu took also part in dad Marlon's BIS winning progeny group

Photos: C'mere & Kirsi Aalto

More photos in our gallery: http://softouch.1g.fi/kuvat/

Finnish Whippet Club Specialty Show 6.6.2009

Judges: puppies & males, Kerrie Kuper (Karasar's) USA, bitches Olaf Knauber (Happy Hunter's) Germany

The traditional annual whippet specialty was spent this time in cold and sometimes rainy weather. Despite of this we had great time and some nice placings, too.

* Fjalle (S. Wild Hawk): EXC/1, BIS young dog. He also made the cut amongst the seven best males
* Joiku (S. Mohawk River): EXC in champion class
* Hoppu (S. A Bit O' Blue): EXC in champion class
* Haiku (S. Montana Sky): VG in champion class
* Lola (S. Wild At Heart): EXC in intermediate class
* Joanie (Leyenda's Happy Days): EXC in open class
* Saga (S. Pinquana): EXC/3 in champion class
* Pippuri (S. Peppar Peppar): EXC in champion class
* Panda (S. Singing Spirit) EXC/2 in veteran class
* Softouch breeders group 4th + hp

Fjalle BIS young dog, BOS C'mere Icy Crystal

Laura and Haiku

Pia and Lola trying to keep warm in the cold weather

Saga, Pippuri, Panda & Hoppu

More photos at our photogallery: http://softouch.1g.fi/kuvat/
Photos: C'mere & Kirsi Aalto

Tuuri all breed show 6.6.2009, judge Raisa Savander

Sissi (S. Quickstep): Best bitch nr. 2, reserve-CC

Loimu new Canadian Champion!

Loimu (S. Finders Keepers) finished his Canadian championship title winning Best of Winners at the Canadian National Specialty under Mrs. Sharon Sakson. Congratulations Carla and Loimu!

5 June 2009

Off to Mustiala - Kohti Mustialaa

Mustiala in 2008

In a few hours we will be heading for Mustiala, to the Finnish Whippet Club's national specialty show & open show. Over 160 entered for Saturday and over 130 for Sunday under Kerrie Kuper and Olaf Knauber. Let's hope that the weather will get better and the rain stops.

Muutaman tunnin päästä suuntaamme kohti Mustialaa W-H:n perinteikästä erkkariviikonloppua viettämään. Upea määrä koiria ilmoitettu: yli 160 launtaiksi ja yli 130 sunnuntaiksi. Tuomareina Kerrie Kuper ja Olaf Knauber. Toivottavasti sää tästä paranee!

Nipsu's own photogallery - Nipsulle oma kuvagalleria

Nipsu has got her own gallery at my photosite: http://softouch.1g.fi/kuvat/

Nipsu on saanut oman kansion kuvagalleriassani: http://softouch.1g.fi/kuvat/